- Recipes
- Pasta with peas and bacon
Pasta with peas and bacon
Easy and quick to prepare, the pasta with peas and bacon is that recipe that saves us in moments when we have nothing in the fridge and the desire to cook elaborate dishes is scarce. This recipe is in fact very quick to prepare and tasty to bring to the table.
Here's how to prepare a succulent pasta with peas and bacon!
In a non-stick pan pour a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, add the chopped onion and let it sauté for about 5 minutes. Then add the bacon cut into pieces and let it brown for a few more minutes. Add the peas. A glass of warm water and let it cook on low heat for about twenty minutes.
In a pot with plenty of salted water, cook the pasta, which you will drain al dente and finish cooking in the pan with the sauce. Adjust with salt and pepper and sauté the pasta for a few seconds.
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